Seijo Chapter 6

Huzzah, chapter 6! Sei and commander-san are too cute! I am hoping they continue this way and the ship sails and that there isn’t another male lead lol. Or I hope he doesn’t turn into a jerk. Please remember to give Ries your love for the hard work~!

Edit: Sorry!! That was really weird! Link has been fixed.

New Project

Title: 私、能力は平均値でって言ったよね!(link)

Watashi, nōryoku wa heikinchi dette itta yo ne!

(If you have any better name then please suggest to me)

Author: FUNA

Sumary: Link


I intent to release the summary today but due to some phrase that I can’t understand unless I read the novel, I will release it together with chapter 1 at the weekend or maybe the begin of next week.

For those who want to know what is this novel about, here is the unfinished chapter 1

Reincarnation part 1 (unedited)